Lilydale Heights College offers students in Years 7 and 8 a comprehensive and vital program, designed to engage and challenge students, delivered by specialist teachers.
The transition from primary school is seamless for our Year 7 students. Our extensive orientation program enables Year 6 students to develop new friendships and familiarise themselves with their teachers and surroundings.
Students start Year 7 with confidence, supported by the Junior School Team. Our designated Year 7 and 8 areas, also ensure the students have ready access to their teachers.
To assist students with settling in and getting to know their teachers and peers, all our Year 7/8 classrooms are located in the one area. This area also houses the relevant teachers’ offices, all student lockers and facilities. This designated area enables students to quickly feel confident in familiar surroundings and gradually work towards independence.
Lilydale Heights College offers access to academic extension for all students working beyond their expected level. The College has all students undertake a range of diagnostic assessments early in the school year. This assessment assists staff in determining the explicit learning needs of your child. In this way students can be directly challenged with tasks which meet their academic level or supported in meeting their learning outcomes.
The Student Engagement in Learning for the Future program focusses on fostering Excellence, Respect and Responsibility. Each year level has a primary focus area: Year 7 Discover, Year 8 Explore, Year 9 Focus, Year 10 Plan, Year 11 Decide, Year 12 Apply.
The SELF program develops 21st century employability skills in individuals. These include: Online Safety, Personal Goal Setting, Study and Time Management Skills, Resilience and Wellness Development Skills.
Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.
During Years 9 and 10 students begin to identify and explore their learning strengths and are provided with access to more challenging curriculum.
The Middle School (Years 9 and 10) vertical program allows eligible students access to studies up to two years ahead of their expected level. This includes access to VCE studies where suitable.
Middle School units include inquiry-based elements which challenge students to think and plan independently. These units are designed to explicitly teach students the knowledge and skills they need for success in Senior School.
As a part of the Student Engagement in Learning for the Future program ( SELF), all Year 10 students have access to a week-long Work Experience Placement as a part of their of secondary school study. This provides students with the valuable opportunity to:
In addition to this they undertake a course aimed at improving financial literacy in preparation for managing themselves and their finances in the future.
At Year 9 the Student Engagement in Learning for the Future Program (SELF), focusses on social justice issues by building connections with the local, national and international communities. This focus raises awareness of students as individuals and as contributors to our school and wider community.
As a part of the community awareness and independence focus in Year 9 SELF, students are provided with an opportunity to participate in a city experience camp. This camp builds awareness, confidence and independence in young people while they explore Melbourne’s cultural, educational and recreational attractions.
Teachers have the power to help people become winners.
Students are offered the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) that includes a challenging curriculum program. Students can select from a wide range of VCE Studies in all Learning Areas. In addition to this students at Lilydale Heights College also have access to a range of Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects or may choose to undertake a VCE Vocational Major study program.
The VCE is awarded to students who successfully complete their secondary education. It is recognised internationally, and provides pathways to employment as well as to further study at University and TAFE (Technical and Further Education).
VCE is usually completed in Years 11 and 12, but can be started in Year 10. About half of our Year 10 students undertake some VCE units. Within VCE, students can undertake vocational education and training (VET) subjects.
Lilydale Heights College offers a wide range of VCE studies to students across a broad range of study areas.
Vocational Education & Training (VET) subjects provide an alternative way of learning skills and concepts. VET subjects can contribute to the VCE in the same way as any other VCE subject and can count towards a student’s overall scored results. The aims of VET are to increase the breadth of subject choice and cater to different styles of learning.
Our students are invited to enrol in other VET programs of interest at schools in our local area.
Lilydale Heights College is an affililiated school with the Yarra Valley VET cluster. Students can undertake a VET subject at TAFE as part of this arrangement.
Lilydale Heights College offers the VCE Vocational Major study program to eligible students in Years 11 and 12. Students complete core subjects at the College – Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development Skills, and Work-Related Skills. Additionally, students complete a VET/TAFE subject, and have the opportunity for workplace learning. In this program, may also be able to undertake a School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship. This program is ideal for students who are looking to experience learning in a variety of settings, and who has an interest in branching out into the workplace.
There is no subject so old that something new cannot be said about it.
Learning is not restricted by formal curriculum. It takes place beyond the classroom and traditional school day. Informal, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities contribute substantially to learning outcomes.
The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.
phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
fax: (+61) 3 9739 5463
17 Nelson Road, Lilydale, VIC, 3140
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phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
fax: (+61) 3 9739 5463
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:15am-4:15pm
Student Absence Hotline: 9735 1133 (Opt 1)
Staff Absence Hotline: 9735 9413