It is absolutely fabulous to see students that have been working so hard for the last two years working towards gaining their Gold Awards.
Year 9 Music student Darcy Fynmore was invited to perform in the Percussion Section for the Maroondah Symphony Orchestra’s end of year concert.
On 5th May, I competed in the Yarra Valley School Annual Clay Target Championship.
On Tuesday 30th August, 28 of our students went to Yarra Group Athletics to represent the College.
Congratulations to our Year 8 Boys and Girls and the Senior Girls Badminton teams who each won their Yarra Group Badminton competitions and who will now be representing the College and the Yarra Group in the Eastern Metropolitan Region competition next term.
Congratulations to Franc D’Couto for his resilient efforts in completing his Silver Award.
Congratulations to our students who have continued to work very hard over the last 18 months in order to gain their Awards.
Congratulations to the Year 7 Girls Soccer who won their competition and will now be competing in the EMR Soccer in August.
Congratulations to our winning Year 8 Badminton Girls who came away with the blue flag
On Tuesday 12th May the Year 8 Netball team competed at the Yarra Group Interschool Netball Competition.
Well done to all our senior players on 13th May – no one came away from the competition empty-handed which is excellent.
During April, Emily Hudak represented LHC in the Tintern Grammar Horse Trials at Wandin Park.
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