We would like to extend a huge thank you to our school community for your support of the Valleydale Café program this year.
Earlier this month, the Cafe held our annual Mother’s Day event to raise money for Breast Cancer Network Australia. term, the Year 8 classes have elected their form leaders for the year.
Last week we held two fantastic Mother’s day events in Valleydale Café and I would like to thank the school and local community for their support.
Valleydale Café will open on Thursday 29th April 2021 and will be open on most Thursday’s and Friday’s until the end of June.
As our Café season comes to a close, I would like to thank the students for their amazing endeavours.
Last week Year 9 students were involved in fundraising events to raise money for Backpacks4VICKids, an organisation that distributes backpacks and essential items to children and teenagers who have been removed from families and placed into emergency care.
After months of online planning and interruptions, Year 11 Food Studies students finally managed to put together their Valleydale hampers and produced some great results.
First of all, a very big thank you to our school community for the support of the Café this semester.
We were proud to support Reconciliation Week by implementing an indigenous menu in the café.
Café Culture students did a wonderful job running two Pink Picnics for Mother’s Day.
I am proud of this amazing group of Year 9 students, who, during Community Outreach Week, planned and prepared a gold and pink Christmas themed high tea.
Brunches and Lunches students recently completed a CAT where they had to plan a suitable item for a Food Truck business.
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phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
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