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A Trip to the Shrine of Remembrance

On Wednesday 15th March, Ms Doughty’s Global Conflicts class went to the Shrine of Remembrance. In class, we are currently learning about the causes of World War I, where the war was, war fronts such as the Western and Eastern Fronts and Gallipoli. We have also been learning about the ANZAC legend and spirit.

The Shrine was very interesting and enjoyable. We split into two groups and had a tour guide each that showed us around the Shrine and explained what things were like in World War I for the soldiers, nurses and people back at home. We learnt what the Shrine does to remember the ANZACs and all the wonderful traits the ANZACs showed in the face of fear. I got the opportunity to see and take a photo of three of my relatives’ names in one of the many books they have with all the soldiers’ names who fought in World War I.

It was a very good experience and I am looking forward to learning more about the World War I in class.

April Buttress, Year 10

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