The end of semester has come around very quickly and the winter months have set in. The College remains a very busy place in the lead up to the mid-year break.
Learning Focus
The main focus in the classroom at this time of year is summative assessment. This assessment involves evaluating student learning and making consistent judgements regarding student progress against Victorian Curriculum Standards. A significant part of this is examinations. This month students from Years 9-11 have undertaken examinations in each of their subjects. This information, along with other completed Common Assessment Tasks (CAT’s) will form the evidence used by teachers in assessing student progress in the mid-year reports.
Staff have recently undertaken Cultural Understanding and Safety Training which is a key commitment in the Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan, Victoria's ten-year plan to support improved outcomes for Koorie learners across early childhood, schools, skills and training and higher education. The purpose of the training is to increase understanding of Koorie culture, history and experience to ensure a strong foundation for culturally inclusive practices.
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State Education Conference “Leading Learning for Excellence”
The aim of this year’s State Education Conference was to consistently advance our learning, communication and collaboration practices to create an effective and sustainable culture of learning throughout our system. The conference theme, Leading Learning for Excellence, reflects the Education State Excellence Agenda and commitment to drive excellence for every student in Victorian government schools.
Staff members from the College attended various days of the conference and undertook workshops focussing on student and parent voice, increasing rigour in the class room and collaborative leadership. The Leadership Team will now take time to workshop ideas and plan future College initiatives.
Transition Project
The College Literacy Team is currently undertaking a transition project with three feeder primary schools: Victoria Road PS, Wandin North PS and Kilsyth PS. The main objectives of the project include:
- Improving the effectiveness of student transition between primary and secondary
- Improving teacher judgements and assessment practices in reading from primary to secondary school
- Strengthening professional relationships between primary and secondary schools
Tech Tour June 14
Last week over 20 students from Year 9 and 10 undertook a “Tech Tours & Tech Talks” within the South East Vic. business region. The tour was designed specifically to broaden industry understanding for students regarding future career pathways within manufacturing and technology based environments. The aim of the tour is to assist in bridging the gap between education, industry, technology and industry application through Yarra Ranges Tech School (YRTS). This collaboration is also actively contributing towards future proofing industry and manufacturing.
Resource Smart School
Lilydale Heights College has successfully attained its first star as a Resource Smart School. This star recognises the sustainability achievements of the College and our contribution to taking action on climate change. Congratulations to Shannon Sargeant and her Sustainability Team for all their work.
PSW - New Uniform Supplier
PSW will be the new College Uniform Supplier from July 1, 2019.
To launch their association with our College, PSW are opening their doors with a VIP Lilydale Heights College Opening Day.
On July 1st, PSW will open exclusively for Lilydale Heights College families only!
Details are in the attached flyer.
It’s not ok to be away… nor to be late from school
When children miss school, not only is their academic progress impeded, forcing them to catch up on missed work, they often miss important interactions with their peers which can compound issues of social isolation and low self-esteem.
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Please contact the school if your child is absent or you have any questions regarding your child’s attendance.
Museum Day
Friday June 21 was the annual Museum Day showcase. Students from Year 7 and 8 presented their research reports to parents, friends and peers at a comprehensive exhibition held in the College Gym. The Café was also open to family members on this day. Students were very proud of their exhibits and feedback from family and friends was very positive. Congratulations to students and staff for their commitment and excellence.
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Year 12 Social
Hedgend Maze hosted the annual Year 12 Social last Friday evening. Thank you to the Bowen, Buller and Buttress families for their support of the event. Thanks must also be extended to the organising committee for their vision and dedication. A wonderful night was had by all. I wish you all a safe and warm semester break. I will be taking leave until August 12; Isabella Phillips will be in the Principal role and Tim Wright in the Assistant Principal role in my absence.
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Mid Year Music Concert
Congratulations to all students involved in the semester’s mid-year concert.
Performances were once again of a high standard and the full house enjoyed a wonderful evening.
7C performed as a class ensemble for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Well done to all participating students, thank you to Mr Ferre and his amazing Instrumental Team: Mr Rowlands, Mr Conway, Ms Haylock and Ms Grinbergs.
Thanks are also extended to parents and friends who attend on the evening.
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A reminder also that the first day of Term 3 for students is Tuesday July 16.