It has been a very busy and dynamic start to the College year. Students and staff have settled into a productive routine and the focus on teaching and learning is evident as I move around the College.
Learning Focus
Priorities for 2021 remain focussed on Literacy and Numeracy while staff have begun their professional learning and trial of moderation of Common Assessment Tasks in Years 7 and 8. Preliminary testing has been completed by all Year 7 to 10 students this month. Data generated by this testing will be used to identify students who will be supported through extension and intervention programs throughout the academic school year.
March 1 Curriculum Day
The first scheduled curriculum day for 2021 will be held on Monday March 1.
This is a pupil free day. On this day, staff at the College and the whole Lilydale District network, comprising 23 primary and secondary schools, will attend online workshops facilitated by Misty Adoniou.
Misty is an educator with many years’ experience teaching undergraduate and postgraduate teacher education courses in Language and Literacy. She will work closely with the network throughout the year to develop and expand teacher skill in the teaching of writing.
Green Chronicles
A reminder to parents that staff regularly issue Green Chronicles which can been seen on the Compass portal. These provide staff with an opportunity to acknowledge student achievement in alignment with the school’s values (Excellence, Respect, Responsibility). Students may receive Green Chronicles for:
- Producing work that is above the expected standard
- Challenging themselves and encouraging others to strive for excellence
- Showing significant improvement in their learning
- Demonstrating excellence within the College and/or representing the College in the wider community
- Supporting the learning of others
- Contributing to a positive learning environment
- Encouraging the inclusion of others in any area connected to the school
- Modelling respect for staff, students, learning and/or the environment
- Respecting the rights of others in the community
- Consistently making the most of learning opportunities
- Demonstrating 100% attendance over the period of the term
- Seeking opportunities to contribute to the school community in a positive way
- Managing personal learning
Congratulations to those students who have already been awarded a Green Chronicle this year. Keep up the good work!
Tutor Learning Initiative
The Tutor Learning Initiative is designed to support students whose learning has been disrupted because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools have been allocated funding to engage tutors to provide targeted teaching to students identified as needing support. The Initiative will commence in Term 1 and will provide support for students for 26 weeks.
We are pleased to announce that the following teachers will join the College as a part of the Tutor Learning Initiative:
- Ms Chrystal Anlicker
- Mr Ralph Horn
- Mr Michael Lester
- Mrs Lesley Sutherland
Building Works
Stage 1: The College has taken possession of the new stadium and it is anticipated that Stage 1 works will be completed by the end of this term. This will open up the town square and new sustainability hub for student access.
Stage2: We have progressed to design development on this stage of capital works. This stage sees the refurbishment of C-Wing and the library foyer. It is anticipated that this will go to tender in July for commencement in August of this year.
Yarning Circle
A yarning circle was held at the College last week. The purpose of the yarning circle is for Koori students within the College to meet with their support team. The circle provided the students with an opportunity to have an open and frank discussion about their experiences at school and share ideas regarding supports and events occurring throughout the school and wider community. Congratulations to Tanna Draper Nagas on her leadership in the First Nations Advocate role.
Attendance: It’s not OK to be away!!!
A reminder to parents of the importance of regular attendance at schools. Daily attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally:
- School participation maximises life opportunities for children and young people by providing them with education and support networks
- School helps children to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further learning and participation in their community
- School helps them to make the most of life opportunities
Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12, or an equivalent qualification, have:
- better health outcomes
- better employment outcomes
- higher incomes across their lives
Research confirms there is a strong link between poor attendance and adverse student outcomes like:
- early school leaving
- poverty
- substance use
- unemployment
- negative health outcomes
Please remember to contact the school on 9735 1133 if you child is absent from school.
Swimming Sports
Ideal weather conditions greeted us on the day. Student participation levels were very high and much fun and frivolity was had. Well done to all staff and students who contributed to the success of the day.
Congratulations to Yarra house who ran out eventual winners.