News & Events

Principal Report - August '21

0by Rosina Fotia, Principal

Welcome to the end of August and the beginning of spring. The days are getting longer and the weather warmer. I hope that all members of our community have been able to get outside and enjoy this special time of year.

Learning Focus

The College continues to ensure that there is a strong focus on teaching and learning in the classroom. Teacher and student capacity to pivot from face to face to online learning has been remarkable. Feedback and assessment processes have remained solid and teacher planning and collaboration has moved to an online format. Progress reports have incorporated assessment during both face to face and online learning. Parent student teacher conferences will go ahead at the end of this term via the WebEx platform.

Staff professional learning has focused on improving student voice and agency in the classroom. Teachers heard from a range of students regarding what works and does not work in the classroom. Peer Observation, part of the teacher Professional Development Process, will centre around how teachers ensure all students have voice and agency in the classroom.

COVID Operations

Given COVID restrictions, there have been many College events that have been postponed and or cancelled. The College will make every effort to reschedule where possible but is restricted by state regulations. Some of the activities being impacted include:

  • Camps/Excursions
  • Interschool sport
  • Duke of Education Program
  • GAT
  • Work Experience
  • Headspace wellbeing workshops with students

Building Works

The Tender process for Stage 2 of building works is now complete. It is anticipated that a start-up meeting for these works will be scheduled shortly with building works beginning at the end of this term. Decanting of the C -Wing classrooms and offices is now underway.


A reminder of some simple steps to help keep you well:

  • Maintain a routine
  • 8 hours sleep
  • Exercise: wellbeing walk
  • Eat healthy
  • Call a friend
  • Acknowledge what you are grateful for

In addition, following is a list of Mental Health Support Services available Australia wide.

Kids Helpline

Free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 1800 55 1800 Australia wide

Headspace Online support for young people, including counselling, group chats and information. This is not an emergency service. If you're in an emergency situation or need emergency assistance, contact mental health services, go to your local emergency department or call emergency services on 000.
Australia wide

Youth Beyond Blue

24 hour crisis support and information line dedicated to supporting young people with depression and anxiety and their friends and family.

1300 224 636

Chat online available on website 3pm - 12am

If students and/or guardians need support or clarification, please contact your SELF teacher, Year Level Liaison or Learning Leader on 9735 1133.

Thank you for the amazing job you are doing.

Stay well.

Lilydale Heights College

phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
fax: (+61) 3 9739 5463

17 Nelson Road, Lilydale, VIC, 3140

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