News & Events

Peer Support - Primary School Visit

On Thursday, 9th March, Ms Doughty and the Year 10 Peer Support students went to Lilydale West Primary School. We walked up to the school and introduced ourselves and our position as leaders in the Peer Support Program.

We then ran some ice-breaker activities with them in small groups. We played games including: spaceships, barnyard and knots. This was enjoyable for the leaders and the Grade 6 students as it allows us to develop a relationship with the primary school. It gives them time to have fun while participating in activities and a chance to see what the Peer Support Program is like at our College.

As leaders, we got to experience running games with Grade 6 students, which is a valuable life skill that can be taken outside of school. Overall, we really enjoyed the hour we had with them and look forward to visiting them again.

Bec Nel

Lilydale Heights College

phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
fax: (+61) 3 9739 5463

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