News & Events

Mid Year Awards - 2024

by Michelle Gaudion

Celebrating Excellence: Academic and Personal Achievement Awards from Year 7 to Year 12

At our school, we believe in the power of recognising effort, dedication and excellence. At this half year mark, we are proud to celebrate our students' remarkable achievements through our Mid-Year Awards. These awards, presented to students from Year 7 to Year 12, highlight the efforts and accomplishments of our students in both their academic pursuits and personal growth.

In each year level, 10 students have been honoured with Academic Achievement Awards. These awards are given to students who have demonstrated outstanding performance in their studies, consistently achieving and displaying a passion for learning. In addition to academic excellence, we recognise the importance of personal growth. Five students from each year level have been awarded Personal Achievement Awards for their outstanding contributions to the school community, leadership and personal development.

Striving for Excellence

We believe that the recognition of effort and achievement is critical in fostering a culture of excellence. By celebrating the successes of our students, we encourage them to continue striving for their best. These awards are not just about honouring past achievements but also about inspiring future endeavours. They serve as a reminder that hard work, dedication and a commitment to personal and academic growth are valued and celebrated in our school community. Congratulations to all our students and we look forward to recognising all students' achievements at the end of the year.

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