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Cape Otway and Surf Coast Walk

Our small Gold group of students attended this activity and completed some excellent work full of respect, responsibility and excellence.

Peer Support - February '20

Peer Support is off to a great start this year with students getting to know each other and developing friendships.

Soaring Start Camp

The Year 12 VCE students kicked the year off with gusto on the annual Soaring Start Camp. Staying in the residences of Melbourne University, students sampled life on campus, and learned some valuable study skills to prepare them for the year to come.

Studying the Bunurong and Cape Liptrap Coastline

What a class of stars! Everyone applied themselves throughout the camp, whether it was helping with equipment, supporting others over difficult parts of the hikes, supporting friends when cooking or working around camp.

Construction is underway!

The Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, James Merlino, as well as MP Harriet Shing came out to our school to undertake a sod turning ceremony, which officially kicked off the start of construction for our Sustainability Learning Hub, Sports Gymnasium and Town Centre.

Principal's Report - Dec '19

2019 has been another busy and productive school year. It is difficult to believe that this is the final newsletter for the year. December has been very industrious with students engaged in classroom and extra-curricular activities. While the College is busy preparing for the 2020 school year, many programs and activities have continued to be prepared and delivered to students still at the College.

Students clean up for COW week

For three days last week, Lilydale Heights College students helped with weeding and picking up rubbish in some of Lilydale’s local areas, like Melba Park, The Gateway and Ringwood Lake. Our goal for the week was to improve the state of the environment in and around Lilydale. While cleaning, we found a variety of items, such as: plastic, glass, old sporting equipment and clothing. It is unfortunate that one year since our last cleanup week, there was enough rubbish to fill 8 ½ large garbage bags. By doing this COW program students have learnt how to care for their environment, develop social relationships with each other, and have realized that there is a lot more rubbish out there if you look for it. They also helped the community by cleaning up their parks, so that they have a nice leisure area. We would like to thank the students who participated and the teachers who got involved in helping clean up Lilydale and the Ringwood lake.

Year 7 learned about 'Onigiri'

Students in Year 7 learned about 'Onigiri', one of the most popular snacks in Japan.

Community Outreach Week- Lilydale Aged Care

As part of Community Outreach Week, a group of students visited the residents of Lilydale Aged Care.

Staff Boxing Classes

Staff have been having fun and getting fit each Wednesday through participating in boxing classes.


A cold start to summer for our trip to Funfields as a part of our alternative week in Year 9. The chill factor did not stop us from making the most of the day, going on water slides, wave pool, go-karts, pirate ship and voodoo 360 roller-coaster.

Sustainability News - Dec '19

We had a very successful day at the Bunnings BBQ. The sun was shining and many people were hungry. After heading out three times to purchase extra supplies, we raised over $800!

Lilydale Heights College

phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
fax: (+61) 3 9739 5463

17 Nelson Road, Lilydale, VIC, 3140

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17 Nelson Road, Lilydale, VIC, 3140
Melway reference: page 38 grid C1 (view online)
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