News & Events

Student Life

Harmony Day - '21

The Student Interact Representative Council (SIRC) ran a very successful Harmony Day once again this year at the end of Term 1.

Assessed Silver & Gold Duke of Ed Exploration Finally Completed for 2020 Group

I wanted to send my congratulations to the students for their efforts during this exploration, as well as for their efforts with their Award over the last year.

Peer Support Class – Visit to Year 7 Camp

On Wednesday March 10th, the Year 10 Peer Support class headed down to the Year 7 camp at Phillip Island.

Year 7 Camp Wrap Up!

Year 7 Camp to Phillip Island - it is one of the first big events of high school with new friendships formed and memories made that will be kept forever.

Kayaking Excursion - March '21

The Middle School Outdoor Education class were again getting active outdoors on March 18.

Duke of Ed Awardees Toolangi Overnight Hike Experience

Well done to all of the students who ventured out on our explorations this past weekend.

Silver and Gold Duke of Ed Practice Exploration

Well done to all our students on their weekend hike held earlier this month; they ended up walking over 50km for the whole weekend with their back packs; walking up and down over difficult terrains and river crossings.

Year 7 Inter-school Volleyball - March '21

Three teams from Year 7 made a trip away from school on March 16 for their first interschool competition.

Cross Country and Colour Run - March '21

On Tuesday March 23 we had our Whole College Cross Country.

Judo Achievement

The College is always happy to hear about our students’ achievements in extracurricular activities.

Sports Report - Feb '21

Welcome to all the new Year 7 students and welcome back to everyone else

Voice of 8 - Dec '20

The Year 8 cohort finished their official classes by participating in the Voice of 8 Program.

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