Our year 12 group completed their first outdoor experience this week: 3 days investigating the historical relationships of the Cape Liptrap area.
Throughout the last few weeks of the year, each of the year 10 students worked on a variety of fundraisers within their SELF classes.
The Lilydale Heights College End of Year Showcase was held once again in October 2017 at the Karralyka Theatre in Ringwood. The evening included performances by all of the College’s Music Ensembles, allowing all of our instrumental music students an opportunity to display the incredible skills to which they have dedicated so much time and effort all year.
Lilydale Heights College is part of the Yarra Group Division for interschool Sports. Students can elect or be selected to represent the College in a variety of sports played against eight other schools in this region.
An overnight camp and hike for the first time is always a massive achievement which is no easy feat.
We paddled the 8km section of river from Homestead Road to Wittons Reserve featuring some quite substantial rapids that have caught a number of experienced paddlers out.
Analysing impacts to outdoor environments, the balancing of tourism, commercial, recreation and conservation activities.
We went to the Murrindindi Scenic Reserve where the students had to complete a 2 day self-sufficient journey in the natural environments.
This year's production is a re-telling of the magical story of Dorothy and her adventures in The Land of Oz.
It features all the characters that we know and love, with quirky twists that make their way into the piece...
This week we took the middle school outdoor ed group out on a trip. We were very excited, but the weather was very cold. As we walked up the 1000 Steps Memorial walk we rose into the clouds and fog.
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phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
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