Daniel Hughes was involved in the Futsal Junior World Cup in early March, held in Barcelona, Spain. Following is a summary of his experience.
After 12 months hard work and determination Eden Magee was presented with her Silver Level Award. This is a fantastic achievement and should be celebrated.
Congratulations to all the students who participated in this Carnival on March 7. We had 12 students who represented the College, not only swimming in their events they had won at the College Carnival, as well as participating in other events which resulted in Lilydale Heights coming 6th overall, including coming 3rd in the Junior Aggregate.
After two years of studying Japanese at the College, Year 8 students have written their final assessment task for the year – a letter written in Japanese script, using genkoyoushi.
In a first for the college, the Family Science Night included a Science competition. Congratulations to our 5 inaugural winners.
Congratulations to all of the school bands that competed in the Victorian School Bands Festival!
On Tuesday July 25, Lilydale Heights College hosted the International Middle Years Mathematics Olympiad. Over one hundred and twenty students from Asia and surrounding schools competed in the one-day event.
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