Another year has very quickly come and gone. It is difficult to believe that this is the final newsletter for the 2018 school year. It has been a very busy year and December has been no exception. While the College is busy preparing for the 2019 school year, many programs and activities have continued to be prepared and delivered to students still at the College.
The end of year examination period is well underway across all year levels. Year 11 students have now completed their examination period and the Middle School exams have begun.
Welcome back to Term 4. The weather has begun to warm up and festive thoughts loom ahead. Students have settled into the work routine and preparations for the end-of-year examinations are well underway.
A select number of Year 10 students have been granted the opportunity to complete a two day workshop with Cameron Greenwood, creator and director of MONSTA Surf.
On Wednesday September 19, Lilydale Heights College hosted the Regional Director and Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education, Judy Rose and Bruce Armstrong.
Another term has flown by, the days are longer and the weather is warmer. Lilydale Heights College continues to be an active learning environment where learning and extra curricular opportunities continue to be presented to students by highly committed staff.
Term 3 has an uninterrupted focus on teaching and learning. Students are busy in all classes where teachers are actively involved in challenging their learning and developing an environment where students are encouraged to extend themselves.
The term has started smoothly and students have settled quickly into the learning routine.
Welcome to winter and a very busy, yet cold time of the year. The last month has continued to be filled with many academic and extracurricular opportunities for students in and around the College.
Welcome to winter and exciting times at Lilydale Heights College! The recent state government announcement is very positive news for the whole community and investment in infrastructure will complement the great learning work already being undertaken in the classrooms.
Welcome to Term 2, I trust that everyone has had a restful Easter period and is enjoying the beautiful autumn weather we are currently experiencing in Melbourne. This term promises to be very busy and includes events such as: NAPLAN, Work Experience, Open Night, Examination periods, Self-Evaluation, Attitudes to School Survey and reports.
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