Welcome to Term 2, I trust that everyone has had a restful Easter period and enjoyed the beautiful autumn weather over the term break.
It has been a very busy and dynamic start to the College year. Students and staff have settled into a productive routine and the focus on teaching and learning is evident as I move around the College.
What a year it has been! I couldn’t be prouder of what the College community has achieved in challenging circumstances.
On Friday November 27, the College was honoured to be visited by The Member for Monbulk and current Education Minister, The Honourable James Merlino.
The sound of students in classrooms and hallways coupled with laughter in the yard has been music to our ears.
We’re excited to announce that the now Lilydale District and Yarra Valley Education Plan has been expanded to include all local secondary schools in the area!
As this unprecedented term comes to an end, I would like to thank you for your support and collaboration as we have worked together to support the growth and learning of the wonderful students in our care.
The focus of learning during this month has been on reengagement of students back to face to face learning.
Thank you for all your amazing support during these past few weeks of remote and flexible learning. Staff are excited to have the senior students back at school and look forward to welcoming all students on June 9.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the whole school community on their commitment and resilience over the past few weeks.
The College is running smoothly and the clear focus on teaching and learning is evident as I move around the College.
The Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, James Merlino, as well as MP Harriet Shing came out to our school to undertake a sod turning ceremony, which officially kicked off the start of construction for our Sustainability Learning Hub, Sports Gymnasium and Town Centre.
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phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
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