Clear focus during this month has been on the completion of Common Assessment Tasks. This will culminate with the Assessment Week planned for all Middle School classes and examination period for Year 11 students.
Welcome to Term 2! I trust that everyone has had a restful Easter period and is enjoying the beautiful autumn weather we are currently experiencing in Melbourne.
Classes have settled and staff have continued their focus on Literacy and Numeracy. The first round of Progress Reporting has been completed and plans are underway for the upcoming Parent Student Teacher Conferences.
2021 has been another busy and productive school year. It is difficult to believe that this is the final newsletter for the school year.
Welcome back to face-to-face leaning! After a period of lockdown, it has been wonderful to welcome back students and staff. The College is definitely a more inviting and lively place with students in attendance. Transition to onsite learning has gone very well and a new routine has been quickly established.
Welcome to Spring! As the days slowly grow longer and we begin to feel energetic we know it’s time to venture outside and enjoy the warmth.
Welcome to the end of August and the beginning of spring. The days are getting longer and the weather warmer. I hope that all members of our community have been able to get outside and enjoy this special time of year.
Welcome to Term 3. Given the forced interruption, the term has started very smoothly.
As I arrived at school earlier this week, I was greeted by a spectacular sunrise.
Lilydale Heights College is now home to a new Sustainable Learning Hub and gymnasium. There’s also a new ‘town centre’ that offers students a place to meet to share stories and knowledge.
Although we are almost half way through this term, the focus has definitely been on learning in the classroom.
Last Friday our wonderful student representatives, First Nations Advocates and Principals supported the launch of the Collaborative Indigenous Strategy.
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phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
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Staff Absence Hotline: 9735 9413