Our congratulations went to many students as they were recently presented with their Awards.
Purchase textbooks for years 7 and 8 for 2024 at our book sale and save $$$$$$.
The information in the downloads section covers everything that parents of future Year 7 students will need.
It is compulsory for all students to wear the complete uniform whilst at the College and travelling to and from.
Qualified First Aid service is provided by the school during the hours of 8:40am and 3.20pm
Lilydale Heights College have just been announced as the winner of the Curriculum Leadership School of the Year (Secondary) Award at the ResourceSmart Schools Awards.
We recently held a whole school assembly to welcome back students and staff to Term 2.
If you are interested in enrolling at Lilydale Heights College, please complete the Application Form.
An Application for Year 7 Placement form must be filled out and returned to the Year 6 Coordinator at your primary school. If you would like your child to attend Lilydale Heights College, it is important to list us as your first preference.
As Captains of Lilydale Heights College, we would like to welcome you to our school community! Ahead of you lies a journey which will provide many memories and learning experiences as you travel through your education with us at Lilydale Heights College.
phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
fax: (+61) 3 9739 5463
17 Nelson Road, Lilydale, VIC, 3140
View the full version of this website on a larger screen device. 17 Nelson Road, Lilydale, VIC, 3140
Melway reference: page 38 grid C1 (view online)
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How to get here and parking information
phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
fax: (+61) 3 9739 5463
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:15am-4:15pm
Student Absence Hotline: 9735 1133 (Opt 1)
Staff Absence Hotline: 9735 9413