An Application for Year 7 Placement form must be filled out and returned to the Year 6 Coordinator at your primary school. If you would like your child to attend Lilydale Heights College, it is important to list us as your first preference.
phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
fax: (+61) 3 9739 5463
17 Nelson Road, Lilydale, VIC, 3140
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Melway reference: page 38 grid C1 (view online)
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How to get here and parking information
phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
fax: (+61) 3 9739 5463
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:15am-4:15pm
Postal: PO Box 160, Lilydale, VIC, 3140
Student Absence Hotline: 9735 1133 (Opt 1)
Staff Absence Hotline: 9735 9413
Uniform Shop: 9735 2697 (view more)