Another year has very quickly come and gone. It is difficult to believe that this is the final newsletter for the 2017 school year. It has been a very busy year and December has been no exception. While the College is busy preparing for the 2018 school year, many programs and activities have continued to be prepared and delivered to students still at the College.
Throughout the last few weeks of the year, each of the year 10 students worked on a variety of fundraisers within their SELF classes.
The Lilydale Heights College End of Year Showcase was held once again in October 2017 at the Karralyka Theatre in Ringwood. The evening included performances by all of the College’s Music Ensembles, allowing all of our instrumental music students an opportunity to display the incredible skills to which they have dedicated so much time and effort all year.
The business end of the year is upon us with final assessments and examinations being completed by students in many levels across the College.
Welcome back to Term 4 everyone. The weather is warming and the festive season will be upon us shortly. The College continues to work at full pace and planning for 2018 is well underway.
Another term has ended, the days are longer and the weather is warmer (slightly). Lilydale Heights College continues to be an active learning environment where learning and extra curricular opportunities continue to be presented to students by highly committed staff.
This year's production is a re-telling of the magical story of Dorothy and her adventures in The Land of Oz.
It features all the characters that we know and love, with quirky twists that make their way into the piece...
The recent Curriculum Day saw teachers refining Semester 2 unit plans and embedding writing-to-learn strategies in the curriculum as part of the College’s literacy plan. These strategies are highly effective in improving students’ subject knowledge as well as their writing skills.
Welcome back to Term 3. I trust everyone had a warm winter break. The school term has started well and students are now well engaged in their classes as we move into the second half of the school year.
Clearly this has been a very busy Term at the College. I would like to take this opportunity to thank staff for their tireless work and wish all members of our College community a safe and warm winter break.
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