The students had very warm conditions to add to their challenges for the day, but they did not complain.
Congratulations Compass Award Students – you have completed your exploration day in your local environments.
Our Compass and Duke of Ed students continue to work in areas of their award, completing their physical activities, skills and services around their homes.
Well done to the students for their excellent behaviour, respect and application during our cooking on the campfire activity held on Monday 22nd June. It is always our passion to complete as many activities as we can in the outdoors, so we organised the cooking of jaffles, spiced apples and obviously marshmallows with a camp fire.
During the first half of this term while we were all working from home, I ran an activity to encourage students and staff to all get outside for a period of time.
Well done to the students in Middle School Outdoor Ed for their great work during our recent mountain bike sessions!
Our small Gold group of students attended this activity and completed some excellent work full of respect, responsibility and excellence.
What a class of stars! Everyone applied themselves throughout the camp, whether it was helping with equipment, supporting others over difficult parts of the hikes, supporting friends when cooking or working around camp.
It was a fitting end to a busy year for all of our Award students. Students from Year 7 through to Year 10 worked alongside each other; it was great to see.
Congratulations on the group's achievements over the last few days. It is always a tough job to carry all of your gear on your back and camp for three nights, but to carry it non-stop up and down hilly terrains and be self-sufficient with cooking, cleaning and navigating is quite an achievement.
Well, we returned from our final Outdoor Ed experience this semester. Overall the students have made a considerable journey through their high ropes, kayaking, biking and now hike camping experiences this semester.
Congratulations to Ms Clare Rayner, Duke of Edinburgh instructor for her official recognition as an award leader in the State of Victoria.
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