On Thursday 5th September, the Unit 4 Health & Human Development class went to the Royal Melbourne Hospital P.A.R.T.Y. Program (Prevent Alcohol Related Tragedy in Youth Program).
Students have enjoyed trying a number of traditional Japanese toys and games this term in Japanese Club.
7E recently looked at the origins of Okonomiyaki, a popular Japanese dish. Students then had the opportunity to prepare the dish and enjoyed eating the result!
Congratulations to the Middle School Japanese class who visited Lilydale Primary School this week to run a lesson in Japanese with the Grade 3 and 4 students.
Well done to the students of 8B who visited Lilydale Primary School this week and ran a Japanese lesson for the Grade 3/4 classes.
This year we had a group of Year 7 students participate in Tree Day. Under instruction from the Sustainability Team, we planted native trees, shrubs and grasses in the indoor/outdoor classroom between H-wing and the Gym.
A member of the Indigenous Cultural Team came in to demonstrate Indigenous weapons, tools, music and cultural stories for our studies, supporting our work in Outdoor Education.
Last week was the week of the world-famous LHC Music Camp, held up at Oasis Camp in Mt Evelyn. It was a packed few days of music, rehearsals, quality food and all-round fun.
On Friday July 19th, Year 8 students participated in the Voice of 8. Students spent a day engaging in a learning area of their choice.
Students who are studying Japanese this year went to Eastland in the last week of Term 2 to discover where Japanese language and culture is evident in the community. Much to their delight, Japanese was everywhere!
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