It's been another excellent term in Drama and Theatre Studies at Lilydale Heights College!
The Middle School Kitchen Garden class has completed an excellent semester. The amount of garden space has increased and we have tried growing a wider variety of plants, including edible flowers which have been used by the Café.
This term students in Year 8 have been learning about the history of the Toyota company in Japan.
Middle School Studio Art - Lino Printing - March '22
Congratulations to our Year 8 students who participated in our final joint SELF lesson!
As part of the end of year activities, Year 9 students made fabric bags to hold toiletries and stationery for kids taken into out of home care.
Year 7 students have been busy over the last week of term producing Gingerbread. This process was rolled out over three lessons.
This term Year 8 Technology students designed and made a monster using felt and the sewing machines.
Year 7 and 8 students were given a 3D Challenge to create their favourite Hiragana character or word from items they can find at home.
7C students have been making fruit kebabs at home as part of a Common Assessment Task. Part of the brief was to research attractive ways to cut and present the kebabs. I think Michaela and Ivy both have bright futures as food stylists!
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