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Peer Support Update - April '18

Peer support has been amazing so far, we really think the year 7 students have been enjoying all the activities we’ve had planned. We’ve done activities such as: stress ball making, capture the flag, basketball and board games. We also went to Phillip island where we all planned an afternoon of fun beach games. We did sandcastle and iron man competitions to start off the afternoon followed by beach cricket, beach volleyball, hole in a bucket and more! It was a great afternoon for us and we hope they enjoyed it as much as we did. We have also been involved in helping the Grade 5 students on the Discovery days. Lastly, we have spent time working on our own leadership style and developing our skills further. Term 2 is full of more adventures and we will also complete our Leadership assignment. We’d also like to thank the leader of Peer Support, Mrs Pezzimenti for doing such a good job not only organising stuff behind the scenes but for helping us when we didn’t know what to do. From Sarah Cochrane on behalf of the year 10 Peer Support class of 2018

Principal's Report - March 2018

by Rosina Fotia, Principal How quickly the term has passed! Once again there has been no end of activities that student have undertaken throughout the term, both in and out of the classroom. Students and staff have engaged in academic, sporting, artistic and social pursuits in a very busy term. Learning Focus Students in Years 7 and 8 have completed OnDemand testing. Teachers are now using this data in their planning sessions. Data allows teachers scaffold the learning for all students to ensure that students needing extension are identified and that their learning needs are met. In addition to this, students needing support with Literacy and Numeracy have also been identified and supports for their learning have been put in place. Curriculum Day Friday March 9 was our first curriculum day for the year. Teachers worked in faculties over three sessions during the day. The main objectives achieved on the day included: New Science, Maths and English subjects in Years 9 and 10 New VCE Study Designs in Health & Human Development, Legal Studies, Media, Outdoor & Environmental Education, Physical Education, and Product Design & Technology Documenting Writing-to-Learn and Substantive Talk strategies that improve students’ subject knowledge as well as their writing and conversation skills Educational Support staff also used this time to confirm their goals for the Performance and Development process. Thank you to Tracey Green and Tim Chapman for their work on this day. Ota Daiichi Visit Our sister school visitors (nine students and two teachers) arrived on March 9. They were kept very busy during their stay at the College: undertaking visits to Lilydale Primary School, meeting with the Mayor, visiting Phillip Island and participating in studies in an Australian school. None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of our College community. Thank you to those families who hosted our guests, staff who welcomed students into their classes and the organising committee led by Isabella Phillips and including: Kerry Barrett, Penne Evans and Michelle Pezzimenti. Year 7 Camp The Year 7 Transition Camp to Phillip Island is now completed. The camp was action filled and reports from staff and students indicate that it was a great success. Teachers’ jokes were poor. Activities were plentiful but most importantly, students have returned with newly developed and consolidated friendships. Peer Support students also joined the camp and lead a series of beach activities with students. Congratulations to the camp organisers, Mr Bryce Denny, Mr Henry Lees and all supporting teaching and ES staff who helped make this transition activity such a success. Welcome Courtney Croxford (Adolescent Health Nurse) Lilydale Heights College is pleased to welcome Courtney Croxford as the new Adolescent Health Nurse at Lilydale Heights College. The Adolescent Health Nurse focuses on reducing negative health outcomes and risk taking behaviour of young people, through the implementation of health promotion activities and interventions. This may involve supporting health teachers deliver health curriculum, running student workshops in response to a health need within the school and assisting students in accessing local health providers. Professionally, Courtney is a Registered Nurse and has a Masters of Health Promotion. She has spent the last five years working both clinically in hospitals and running health programs in primary schools, endeavouring to educate and empower people to make healthy life choices. Whilst Courtney will work closely with teachers to identify and develop programs to support young children at risk, she is available to work with students one on one. Parents wishing their child to access support can do so by contacting Emily Gerson (Student Wellbeing Coordinator) on 9735 1133. Attendance - Every Day Counts!! We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day. Students develop good habits by going to school every day – habits that are necessary to succeed after school, whether in the workplace or in further study. Missing school can have a big impact on students academically and socially. It can affect their test results, including VCE & VCAL, and, just as importantly, it can affect their relationships with other students, and lead to social isolation. There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes. Each missed day is associated with falling behind in subject topics and assessment tasks, and lead to fewer subject choices and may impact on achievement in Years 11 and 12 and post-school pathways. Being away from school for 1 day a fortnight equals missing 1.5 years over 13 years of school. It’s never too late to improve attendance. Even in the middle years, when school can seem the most challenging for students and when attendance rates can be at their lowest, going to school more often can make a big difference. Every day counts. Harmony Day This SRC ran its first free dress day for the year and celebrated Harmony Day. Harmony Day is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values. The College embraced the day and the SRC must be commended for its efforts. Well done! Practice Evacuation Drill The Department of Education and Training (DET) is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all students and staff. In order to ensure that this is the case, each school develops an Emergency Management Plan. A critical part of that plan is the planning for and practice of evacuation and lockdown drills. The College undertook a practice evacuation drill this month. The drill went very smoothly and the students’ response to the situation was impeccable. KidzMondo coming to Yarra Valley KidzMondo is an international edutainment concept, designed to provide a complete solution for children in a unique indoor theme park. It is a kid-sized city that is created with the intention to impart knowledge through playful learning. KidzMondo Yarra Valley, located at the Tech School site, will play a pivotal role in adding value to the role of our existing educational institutions. This will occur through edutainment (that combines education with entertainment and fun), with the aim to deliver careers and financial literacy experiences for children aged 4-14. I was present at the official signing of the contract with the Minister for Education this month and look forward to its anticipated opening late this year. ![3](/storage/app/uploads/public/5ab/b0e/854/5abb0e8547b6e589367107.jpg I wish everyone a wonderful Easter break and look forward to Term 2. Enjoy the break.

Peer Support Term 1 '18 Update

by Michelle Pezzimenti The Year 10 Peer Support team have had a busy and productive first term. Students have been involved in a range of activities. These include running an afternoon on the beach at Year 7 camp, assistance on the Discovery Days, and running a range of different sessions during the Year 7 SELF time. Students have spent time developing their own leadership skills and learnt more about looking after their own wellbeing. We look forward to an exciting term 2!

KidzMondo Coming to Yarra Valley

by Rosina Fotia, Principal KidzMondo is an international edutainment concept, designed to provide a complete solution for children in a unique indoor theme park. It is a kid-sized city that is created with the intention to impart knowledge through playful learning. KidzMondo Yarra Valley, located at the Tech School site will play a pivotal role in adding value to the role of our existing educational institutions through edutainment that combines education with entertainment and fun with the aim to deliver careers and financial literacy experience for children aged 4-14. I was present at the official signing of the contract with the Minister of education this month and look forward to its anticipated opening late this year.

Middle School Kayaking Day - March '18

by Clare Rayner What an action packed day on the Yarra River – all students made it down the river coping with rapids, rocks and in some cases masses of water ending up in their boats. Students were extremely helpful and supportive towards each other learning. I certainly feel the majority of student’s demonstrated growth in their ability to control their kayaks and read the movement of the river. Fantastic work looking forward to our next day in May, 1000Steps and tree tops adventure!

Valleydale Café Redecoration

Valleydale Café has undergone a redecoration and is looking fantatstic. Thanks to the Café culture students for all their decorating ideas and to Mr Waddell for all his assistance with the new menus and 3d printed menu holders. We are looking forward to Valleydale opening first week back next term.

Duke of Ed and Compass Award Students 2018

by Clare Rayner Well done to our Duke of ed and compass students! They have made a positive start to the organisation and running of their award. The majority of students have already starting logging their hours in the chosen activities for Physical recreation, Service and Skilled section. We have completed our first after school walk. All students made it along the a section of the Warburton Trail. A great afternoon was had by all!

Eildon Tour and Cathedrals Rock Climbing - March '18

by Clare Rayner The Great VCE Outdoor and Environment Studies Experience Our students have just return home after completing a mammoth 28 hours camp. All of our senior students embraced this experience combining the theory knowledge with the practical skills and experiences. After a full day at school we packed and departed for Eildon Dam – we walked the dam, tracked the pathway of the water and cooked our evening meal alongside the wildlife. All students took the initiative; they cooked, cleaned and constantly worked as one group. They were building their individual resilience, but developing a group identity setting up tents and camp after dark with minimal issues. They continued this respect and responsibility into the rock climbing adventure up at a tricky cliff face section of the Cathedrals Ranges National Park. Many students were extremely fearful and cautious to begin with, but yet again they got fully involved, connected with each other and the instructors and achieved many difficult climbs and Abseils. I could not speak highly enough of our group, many students constantly stepping up with “Gusto” extending their learning and abilities, meeting fears and challenges. Great job to all – looking forward to our next camp in 3 days hiking the Alpine Trails in May.

Mountain Biking Sessions - Term 1 2018

Middle School Outdoor Education – Mountain Biking Sessions Over the past 2 weeks, our middle school group has been working on embracing a different activity for many of the students – Mountain Biking. Certainly not without its risks we have been working on simple bike handling skills around school and then extending them to riding in various situations: roads, cycle tracks, single track around the lake, over obstacles and finally the Lilydale BMX track. All had their ups and downs and excitement. I was extremely impressed with our middle school group. They have totally excelled themselves, managing their bikes, themselves and responding to various challenges along the way. These students clearly adopted the nature of outdoor adventure activities, really wanting to extend themselves and have a go at things they do not normally find comfortable. Well done, our next activity is Kayaking in a couple of weeks - please return all permissions and the Kayaking medical form as soon as possible.

Compass and Duke of Edinburgh Award Presentation 2018

This week we had our awards presentation evening and launched our new program for 2018. Thank you to all those parents and families that attended, it was great to feel the enthusiasm for an opportunity I am extremely passion about. The Compass and Duke of Ed Award program allows the students to build confidence, communication, teamwork, resilience, problems solving, adaptability and leadership when working through the 4 areas of the program. They have to complete a number of hours per week developing a skill, completing physical activity and giving to a community service; then the whole experience finishes in a camping adventurous journey into a natural environment. Well done to our Compass Level 3 and 4 awardees! Level 3 Isabella Theophanous-Maddison Aimee Norris Chloe Sheerman Tayla Andersen Level 4 Jonah Go Mahan Davodikandaragh Phaelin Senior Cat D’Couto The launch of our 2018 program was excellent with an outstanding number of students across year levels registering for the Compass and Bronze/Silver Duke of Ed awards. I look forward to our year ahead and can’t wait to show our college community of the skills, experiences and journey we complete. Well done Award Students 2018!

Principal's Report - February 2018

by Rosina Fotia, Principal I would like to welcome everyone from the school community to the 2018 school year. I trust that everyone had a safe and restful summer break and is ready for the upcoming year. The school year has started smoothly, students have settled quickly and the focus in the classroom has moved to improving learning outcomes. We have also officially welcomed all our new staff and students at a whole school assembly. A special welcome must be extended to our 120 Year 7 students and their families. 2018 Learning Focus The main focus areas in terms of students learning outcomes were developed during 2017 and were outlined to staff at the beginning of this school year. The College priorities this year include: Improving literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students; Improving curriculum and assessment practices; Increasing students’ level of active engagement in learning; Building student capacity to become more resilient, self-reflective learners and productive global citizens. Professional Practice Days As part of the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2017, teachers will receive one day per term when they are out of the classroom to focus on the improved delivery of high quality teaching and learning. Your child’s teacher will spend four days per year further developing their skills in areas that are aligned to the school priorities. Your child will directly benefit from these improvements in their daily learning. On these days, an alternate teacher will be provided with the learning plan for the day and be well equipped to assist your child with their learning needs. We are scheduling the professional practice days ahead of time so there is minimal impact to students and, where possible, there is consistency in teaching. If you would like more information on the professional practice days and when they are planned, please contact me at the College. Professional Learning Community (PLC) Lilydale Heights College has been selected to join the PLC initiative in 2018. This opportunity to join the PLC initiative, will allow a team of College leaders access to a comprehensive program of professional learning. The training aims to equip principals, school leaders and teacher team leaders with the PLC practices that reliably increase teacher effectiveness and student learning. 2018 College Student Leadership Positions Congratulations to the following students who were elected into student leadership positions for 2018. They were officially recognised at a whole school assembly on Thursday February 22. College Captains: Jack Day, Jonathan Burgham, Sophie Liszka Year 12 Prefects: Kira Cassidy, Emily Hall, Maddy Ellis Year 11 Prefects: Damian Dao, Rebecca Nel Year 11 Vice Captains: Gen Bowen, Kacey Buller, Hannah Smith College House Captains Castella Captain: Prue Angove. Castella Vice Captains: Beaudon Nash, Connor Wishart. Melba Captain: Amy Boyce. Melba Vice Captains: James Mann, April Jeeves, Jess Jeeves. Yarra Captains: Chloe O’Hea, Emily Hall. Yarra Vice Captain: Kacey Buller. Olinda Captains: Lisa Breslin, Jack Day. Olinda Vice Captain: Shae Scott. College Music Captains: Jack Hudson, Prue Angove, April Buttress. College Music Vice Captains: April Farkashazy, Taylah Griffiths, Joshua McKinnon. VCE Results The 2017 VCE cohort completed a very successful year of study and again produced some exceptional results. The top ATAR achieved at Lilydale Heights College in 2017 was 91.65, ranking this student in the top 9% of students in the state. 76% of the class of 2017 indicated that they wished to continue with further study in 2018 and received a first round offer. In addition to this 16 students completed their Senior VCAL certificate and have transitioned to full time employment/training in 2018. Soaring Start Camp Preparation for the Year 12 VCE class of 2018 is well underway with students already having completed their “soaring start” study skills and careers camp. Year 12 VCE students spent three days at Ormond College based at the University of Melbourne where they undertook study skills tutorials as well as visited Melbourne University and other city based universities etc such as RMIT, ACU, William Angliss and Swinburne. Yarra Valley VCE Creative Arts Showcase This regional showcase occurs each year and is held at the Red Earth Gallery in Mooroolbark. The showcase is open to the public from Feb 16th of this year. Eight of our VCE students will have their works showcased at this year’s exhibition. Congratulations to the students and their amazing teacher Laura Morley! It has clearly been a very successful start to the school year and we look forward to many more successes and positive opportunities for students. College Council Elections Nominations for vacant positions on the College Council close at 4pm on Friday Feb 23. If necessary, an election will be held in the week beginning March 5th, 2018. Details are below. Notice of Election and Self-nomination Form

Investigating the historical relationships of the Cape Liptrap area

Our year 12 group completed their first outdoor experience this week: 3 days investigating the historical relationships of the Cape Liptrap area.