News & Events

All News & Events

Our School Zone

Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at the College. However, students living outside of this zone may also express their interest.

3 Day Hike

The Silver Duke of Ed group travelled way to Mt Disappointment State park over this wet weekend. It was a massive learning experience for the Silver Duke of Ed group.

Principal's Report - May '19

Year 7 and 9 students have just completed their NAPLAN testing for this school year. This year NAPLAN was completed online. Although there were some minor hiccups on day one, the system worked efficiently and all testing was completed smoothly.

Sports Review - Term 2 '19

Term 2 has seen a large number of students being involved in the Interschool sports events, competing in the Yarra Group Winter sports.

Interschool Table Tennis Success

Congratulations to the Senior Girls Table Tennis team - Chloe, Maddie, Courtney and Sorcha, who won the Yarra Group Interschool Table Tennis earlier this month. They will be representing the College and the Yarra Group division in the Eastern Metropolitan Region Table Tennis event in August.

Mothers Day 2019

A very big thankyou to the Café Students who ran excellent Mother’s day events last week. They did an exceptional job in both Front and back of house positions and their attitudes were amazing. Well done!

Interschool Boys Netball Success

Congratulations to the Junior Boys who won the Yarra Group Interschool Boys Netball competition and who will be playing in he Eastern Metropolitan Region in July.

Duke of Ed Master Chef Challenge

Considerable fun was had tonight with our master chefs being put under the pressure to cook a two course meal on the trangias. Groups were assessed on their cooking; the taste of their meals and their organisation of cleaning up as well as their levels of rubbish they created.

After school practice hike

Many students enjoyed the part of walking in the outdoor environment, taking notice of twin rainbows etc.

Mountain Bike Riding at Mt Buller

Many of the students ventured into an Alpine environment for the first time, even though it is autumn, they realised we need to be prepared for every type of weather condition no matter what the season.

Principal's Report - April '19

Welcome to Term 2, I trust that everyone has had a restful Easter period and is enjoying the beautiful autumn weather we are currently experiencing in Melbourne. This term promises to be very busy and includes events such as: NAPLAN, Work Experience, Open Night, Examination Periods, Self-Evaluation, Attitudes to School Survey and Reports.

ANZAC Dawn Service

Many thanks to College Leaders and Captains Eden, Kacey, Gen and Hannah for their representation at the local Lilydale ANZAC Day dawn service.