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P.A.R.T.Y. Program

On Thursday 5th September, the Unit 4 Health & Human Development class went to the Royal Melbourne Hospital P.A.R.T.Y. Program (Prevent Alcohol Related Tragedy in Youth Program).

Principal's Report - Sep '19

Learning focus has been clearly placed on improving learning outcomes in the classroom. Students have been completing Progression Tasks and Common Assessment Task across all subject areas.

Japanese Club - Sep '19

Students have enjoyed trying a number of traditional Japanese toys and games this term in Japanese Club.

Year 8 Camp Howqua

Wow!! What a jam packed and exhilarating three days Year 8 Camp was! From the start till the end everyone put their best foot forward, supporting each other and always stepping outside of their own comfort zones.

Languages Update - Okonomiyaki

7E recently looked at the origins of Okonomiyaki, a popular Japanese dish. Students then had the opportunity to prepare the dish and enjoyed eating the result!

Sports Report - Sep '19

Congratulations to the following Year 7 students who won their Yarra Group Interschool Sports on Friday 30th August.

Middle School Japanese - Sep '19

Congratulations to the Middle School Japanese class who visited Lilydale Primary School this week to run a lesson in Japanese with the Grade 3 and 4 students.

Nursing Home Visit

Well done to all the SIRC members for the visit they made to Lilydale Aged Care

Casual Dress Day Donation

Thank you to everyone who donated during the Term 2 casual dress day. This money was used to purchase books for Dixons Creek Primary school.

Excursion to Lilydale Primary School - Sep 19'

Well done to the students of 8B who visited Lilydale Primary School this week and ran a Japanese lesson for the Grade 3/4 classes.

Assessed Adventurous Journey Day

Our 12 Award students in Level 3 spent the day working around Warrandyte State Park.

Year 7 Girls Basketball

A very big congratulations to our Year 7 Girls Basketball Teams who both came away with wins last Friday.