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Healesville Sanctuary Excursion

In Term 4 Science, students undertake a unit of Biology focussing on classification and ecology. As part of this curriculum, we undertook an excursion to Healesville Sanctuary.

Dark Zone Laser Tag Excursion

On Friday 8th November the Year 9’s went to Dark Zone Laser Tag in Box Hill. We took the train from Lilydale Station to Box Hill and walked to the four story laser tag arena. We got split into four teams, three teams played against each other at a time, so we rotated a couple of times.

Interschool Sports - Nov '19

Term 4 has seen seven teams competing in various Eastern Metropolitan Region Sporting events, as well as the EMR Athletics Carnival, with Zane Wheeler successfully competing in the State Athletics Carnival.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader

Congratulations to Ms Clare Rayner, Duke of Edinburgh instructor for her official recognition as an award leader in the State of Victoria.

Kayak Paddleball Session at Lilydale Lake

It was game time! The Outdoor Ed students had the opportunity on Wednesday 6th October to adapt and use their paddling skills and put them into a new up-and-coming fun activity.

Visiting Victorian College for the Deaf

It’s been an exciting year introducing Auslan into the Middle School curriculum and it’s been an absolute pleasure watching the students develop their skills so quickly and enthusiastically.

Principal's Report - Oct '19

Senior students have prepared for and sat practice examinations over the term break. Feedback from these exams provides students with an insight into the areas they need to focus on in preparation for the end of year examination period.

Music Showcase - '19

Congratulations to all the students who performed at the End of Year Music Showcase. The calibre of performance was once again outstanding.

VCE Big River Rafting Camp

White Water Rafting is quite a demanding activity, physically as well as mentally; students must always be switched on to read the river and recognise the direction of the current and positioning of any rocks.

Purple Day

Thank you to everyone who dressed up on Tuesday and showed their support for the Epilepsy Foundation.

Athletics Carnival Success

Congratulations to Zane Wheeler who won the 18-20 year old Boys High Jump at the Eastern Metropolitan Region Athletics Carnival

Exploring Mt Buller Resort and Surrounding Areas

The students embraced their non-stop 25-hour camp experience, they worked hard throughout the experience; listening and following instructions and creating an extremely supportive, enthusiastic atmosphere.