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Staff Boxing Classes

Staff have been having fun and getting fit each Wednesday through participating in boxing classes.


A cold start to summer for our trip to Funfields as a part of our alternative week in Year 9. The chill factor did not stop us from making the most of the day, going on water slides, wave pool, go-karts, pirate ship and voodoo 360 roller-coaster.

Sustainability News - Dec '19

We had a very successful day at the Bunnings BBQ. The sun was shining and many people were hungry. After heading out three times to purchase extra supplies, we raised over $800!

SIRC Planning Day

Friday 6th December was an important day for the 2020 Students Interact Representative Council. Students spent the day planning their events for 2020 which are looking to be really exciting.

Judo Success

Lilydale Heights College is always happy to share in students’ extra curricula activities.

Kayak Paddleball and Celebration Afternoon @ Lilydale Lake

It was a fitting end to a busy year for all of our Award students. Students from Year 7 through to Year 10 worked alongside each other; it was great to see.

Expeditions @ Mt Stirling and Craig’s Hut

Congratulations on the group's achievements over the last few days. It is always a tough job to carry all of your gear on your back and camp for three nights, but to carry it non-stop up and down hilly terrains and be self-sufficient with cooking, cleaning and navigating is quite an achievement.

Interact District Assembly Day

Well done to Laura, Hayley and Amelia who attended the Interact District Assembly Day on Monday 2nd December.

Principal's Report - Nov '19

Learning Focus has been on examinations and On Demand Testing as a part of our assessment schedule. On Demand Testing allows students and staff to check student growth in literacy and numeracy throughout this year.

Taiko Drumming

In week 4 Japanese students from Year 7, 8 and Middle School participated in a Taiko Workshop with Kiyomi-Sensei.

Sustainability News - Nov '19

The gardening team from the Voice of 8 have continued this month to complete the Ute garden bed. With the help of Doug Sandon (maintenance) they have made a frame for the Ute tray to sit on and have filled it with soil.

Cathedrals Ranges Hike Camp - '19

Well, we returned from our final Outdoor Ed experience this semester. Overall the students have made a considerable journey through their high ropes, kayaking, biking and now hike camping experiences this semester.