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Building Works - Oct '20

Past and Next Weeks

Remote Music Lessons

Instrumental Music students are to be congratulated for persevering and engaging with their music lessons during the long period of remote learning.

Year 11 Valleydale bakery project

The Year 11's recently completed a SAC where they worked collaboratively to come up with a concept.

More Schools Join Yarra Valley Education Plan

We’re excited to announce that the now Lilydale District and Yarra Valley Education Plan has been expanded to include all local secondary schools in the area!

Principal's Report - Sep '20

As this unprecedented term comes to an end, I would like to thank you for your support and collaboration as we have worked together to support the growth and learning of the wonderful students in our care.

Year 7 Art - The Window

We have had some outstanding work completed during our remote learning lessons in both Art and Design classes during September.

VCE Studio Arts - Sep '20

We have had some outstanding work completed during our remote learning lessons in both Art and Design classes during September.

Middle School Studio Art - Appropriation

We have had some outstanding work completed during our remote learning lessons in both Art and Design classes during September.

Year 8 VCD – Aquarium Poster

We have had some outstanding work completed during our remote learning lessons in both Art and Design classes during September.

Building Update - Sep '20

Past and Next Two Weeks

Night-Time Photography Challenge

Students and staff were encouraged to take some night time photos during the last few weeks and submit them to Mrs Rayner via email for inclusion in our College Daily News and The Heights Newsletter.

Bio-Plastics Webinar

Year 8 students recently participated in an online session on bio-plastics as a solution to ocean plastic waste, which was run by Swinburne University.