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Japanese - May '21

This month, students have been learning about some cultural events on the Japanese calendar which is always interesting as these are often so different to the types of things we do in Melbourne.

Senior Badminton Success - '21

Well done to all our senior players on 13th May – no one came away from the competition empty-handed which is excellent.

Compass and Dukes Award – May 2021

Yes! Our practical events for our new groups got underway on Thursday 29th April, when over 45 students between all of the 4 levels of Award groups worked their way around different routes around Lilydale.

Collaborative Indigenous Strategy Launch

Last Friday our wonderful student representatives, First Nations Advocates and Principals supported the launch of the Collaborative Indigenous Strategy.

Lilydale District and Yarra Valley Education Plan

Developed in 2017, the Lilydale and Upper Yarra Education Plan (the Plan) saw three secondary schools in the Lilydale District and Yarra Valley Networks – Lilydale Heights College, Lilydale High School and Upper Yarra Secondary College – working together to revitalise secondary education across their communities, equip teachers with high quality training and resources, and improve school infrastructure.

Principal's Report - April '21

Welcome to Term 2, I trust that everyone has had a restful Easter period and enjoyed the beautiful autumn weather over the term break.

First Nations of LHC

Last term after hosting our first Yarning Circle, our deadly mob of First Nations students have decided to get together and have a yarn regularly at our lunchtime club, Mob Mondays, that runs in Week A.

Voice of 8 - Photoshop Session

Students worked through tutorials in Adobe Photoshop to create a prediction of what the future could possibly look like.

Voice of 8 - Japanese Culture Session

Year 8 Students doing the Japanese Culture Session chose to make Kyara-Ben (Character Bento Boxes)

Harmony Day - '21

The Student Interact Representative Council (SIRC) ran a very successful Harmony Day once again this year at the end of Term 1.

Working on the Year 12 Garden Bed

The Senior VCAL team has recently been working on the Year 12 garden bed outside the Common Room.

Assessed Silver & Gold Duke of Ed Exploration Finally Completed for 2020 Group

I wanted to send my congratulations to the students for their efforts during this exploration, as well as for their efforts with their Award over the last year.