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Principal Report - Nov '21

Students have settled into face to face learning quite well. Staff have focused on ensuring there is continuity in the program and that the school routine is re-established for all students.

Year 8 Technology - Nov '21

This term Year 8 Technology students designed and made a monster using felt and the sewing machines.

Year 10 "Lunch on the Lawn"

On Wednesday 17th November, the Year 10’s celebrated what has been a challenging year with “Lunch on the Lawn” in SELF.

Building Works Report - Nov '21

Demolition completed Floor survey completed Window installation to Library begins Services rough-in begins

Franc Achieves his Silver Duke of Ed. Award

Congratulations to Franc D’Couto for his resilient efforts in completing his Silver Award.

Year 11 Food Studies

After months of online planning and interruptions, Year 11 Food Studies students finally managed to put together their Valleydale hampers and produced some great results.

Principal Report - Oct '21

Welcome back to face-to-face leaning! After a period of lockdown, it has been wonderful to welcome back students and staff. The College is definitely a more inviting and lively place with students in attendance. Transition to onsite learning has gone very well and a new routine has been quickly established.

Interschool Sport Wrap-Up for 2022

An early finish to Interschool Sport this year, with the cancellation for the remainder of the year of any previously scheduled Yarra District, Eastern Metropolitan District and State Sports events.

Compass and Duke of Ed Award Students Continue to Embrace the Challenges

Our students in the Award Program have continued to persevere and explore the outdoors near them.

Senior School Steptember Challenge

Congratulations to all the Year 12 students and staff who competed in the Steptember challenge over the entire month of September.

Principal Report - September '21

Welcome to Spring! As the days slowly grow longer and we begin to feel energetic we know it’s time to venture outside and enjoy the warmth.

Year 7 and 8 Japanese - 3D Challenge

Year 7 and 8 students were given a 3D Challenge to create their favourite Hiragana character or word from items they can find at home.