News & Events

Principal's Report - Sep '20

by Rosina Fotia, Principal

As this unprecedented term comes to an end, I would like to thank you for your support and collaboration as we have worked together to support the growth and learning of the wonderful students in our care.

Learning Focus

The focus has truly remained on the preparation, delivery and completion of Remote Learning Tasks in the remote environment. Staff have supported each other to develop their skills in engaging and motivating students in the online environment, while exploring ways to provide formative as well as summative feedback.

Parent Teacher Student Conferences were held last week and attendance was high. Our first attempt in the online forum was successful and may have provided further opportunities to engage with families as we begin to transition into our more “normal” setting. Thank you to all those who participated in the conferences; your patience has been much appreciated.

Return to Onsite Learning

At the date of publication of this newsletter, information regarding returning to onsite learning remains as the Week Beginning October 5.

No students on site except for Wednesday October 7 when students required to sit the GAT are expected onsite. All other students will be learning remotely.

Week Beginning October 12 - Year 11 and 12 students and Year 10 students undertaking studies in VCE/VCAL classes return to onsite learning. All other students continue to work remotely.

The College will keep you updated with any adjustments or changes to these dates via the Compass Portal.

Term 4

Planning for Term 4 is underway although I am reluctant to make definite calls on returning dates and structures until they are confirmed. Needless to say, the College focus will be centred around:

  • Supporting mental health and wellbeing and supporting students to re-establish friendships and connections
  • Teaching and Learning by beginning the process of catch-up learning, extending those who progressed well during remote and flexible learning and ensuring that students continue to develop their literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills, build their personal and social capability and are physically active.
  • Transitioning every student successfully into the 2021 school year with a sense of purpose and optimism and direction.

Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP)

Congratulations to the current Year 7 and 8 students who have been nominated to participate in the Victorian High Ability Program. The Victorian High Ability Program is a new Department of Education initiative which provides high ability students in Years 5 to 8 at government schools the opportunity to participate in a 10 week online extension and enrichment programs in English and Mathematics. The program, delivered by Virtual School Victoria, will focus on extending and developing students' Mathematic and English abilities. Students will participate in a face-to-face masterclass with other high ability students from schools in their local area. This is the first year of the program and we look forward to supporting and encouraging our nominated students throughout their experience.

Term Break

Please do take the time to encourage your children to move away from their screens during the term break. Although the temptation to binge on movies and television series can be overwhelming, it is important to break this up with other activities. Suggestions for families include: walking, riding, baking, reading, puzzles, board games, cleaning, gardening and much more.

Stay well.

Lilydale Heights College

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