Learning Focus
Senior students have prepared for and sat practice examinations over the term break. Feedback from these exams provides students with an insight into the areas they need to focus on in preparation for the end of year examination period. Many Year 12 students also attended VCE master revision classes over the term break. Earlier this month, I, along with representatives from the Department of Education and Principals from surrounding schools, undertook Learning Walks. The purpose of these walks is to look for evidence of differentiation in learning for students in the classroom. The opportunity to work alongside colleagues from different schools and identify areas to improve learning outcomes is always powerful. At Lilydale Heights College, the team identified clear evidence that the learning tasks for students are engaging, challenging and differentiated to cater for the learning stage of every student.
Final Day for Year 12
October 21st signalled the final day of official school for the current Year 12 cohort. After arriving early and engaging in some silly antics, the cohort was honoured with a whole school assembly. Here they were acknowledge and thanked for their contributions to the College over time in front of students, staff, family and friends. This was followed by a colourful costume parade through the school. We wish them every success in their upcoming final assessment period.
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Creative Arts Show
The annual art show was opened this month at the College. This year the exhibition included works from: Art, Visual Communication, Product, Media, Music and Drama. This show provides students with an opportunity to showcase the culmination of one to two years of work. The passion, commitment and hard work displayed by all staff and students was outstanding. Congratulations to Mrs Morley for her leadership and vision of a wonderfully passionate and committed group of staff.
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October 15 was a free dress day organised by SIRC to raise funds for The Epilepsy Foundation. VCAL students supplemented funds by making and selling pizza and Cam Greenwood, creator of Monsta Surf and Zorali, attended as a show of support. Well done to Ms Pezzimenti and her team of wonderful students.
The College raised over $600 for The Epilepsy Foundation!!!
Mobile Phones Banned from 2020
In June of this year, The Minster for Education, The Honourable James Merlino, announced that from 2020 mobile phones will be banned in all government schools. The policy is being introduced because teachers and parents regularly raise concerns about the use of mobile phones during school hours as a cause of constant distraction in classrooms. Rolling out this state-wide policy will provide consistency for principals, teachers, students, parents and school communities. As part of this new policy, students must switch off their phones and store them securely from the moment they arrive on school grounds until they leave at the end of the day. Students will be reminded regularly of the new arrangements and the College Mobile Phone Policy will be available on the College website before the end of this year
VALE Graeme Bailey
It is with sadness that I need to inform the Lilydale Heights College community of the passing of Graeme Bailey. Graeme was a positive and proactive member of staff at the College from 1989 until 2013. He also held the Assistant Principal role for four years during this time. Our deepest sympathy to his wife, family and friends as well as his colleagues here at the College.