News & Events

Parents & Community

The Heights - College Newsletter

We regularly publish news on this website to keep the College community up to date with current information, events, items of interest, student achievements and school activities.

Central Australia Tour - 2024

This year, 43 Year 10 students and five staff had the opportunity to go on a tour of Central Australia.

Mid Year Awards - 2024

At our school, we believe in the power of recognising effort, dedication and excellence.

Student Information & Policies

Student Information & Policies

Documents you may need during the school year.

Mid-Year Music Showcase - '24

On Thursday 30th May, we celebrated the work of our Music students through our Mid- Year Music Showcase Concert.

Mother’s Day - '24

Earlier this month, the Cafe held our annual Mother’s Day event to raise money for Breast Cancer Network Australia. term, the Year 8 classes have elected their form leaders for the year.

One-to-World Program

Global Learning Access at Lilydale Heights

Year 7 Enrolment (Non-Gov)

Families from non-government school must use the Application for Year 7 Placement. It is important to list us as your first preference.

School Council Elections - 2024

School council elections take place in Term 1 of each year.

Canteen Service

Canteen Service

Lilydale Heights College provides daily canteen service for students at recess and lunchtime.​

End of Year Clapping Ceremony

A fantastic end to classes on Friday 8th December with all students from Years 7-9 celebrating the academic and personal achievements from 2023.

Compass & Duke of Ed Awards Celebration - '24

Our congratulations went to many students as they were recently presented with their Awards.

Lilydale Heights College

phone: (+61) 3 9735 1133
fax: (+61) 3 9739 5463

17 Nelson Road, Lilydale, VIC, 3140

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Contact LilydaleHeights

17 Nelson Road, Lilydale, VIC, 3140
Melway reference: page 38 grid C1 (view online)
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